I’m sitting here at work… nothing to do at the moment. Will scan in something for the daily sketch when I get home this afternoon!
I’m rereading A Wrinkle in Time for the first time in… oh, four or five years? That’s a long time for a book that has always has a place on my everchanging bookshelf. I’m rereading it ’cause I saw that A Ring of Endless Light was made into a movie for the disney channel recently. didn’t see it, but did read a review of it, and found out disney is also doing A Wrinkle in time miniseries. I guess it was from about the time I was 12 to.. oh, I guess 16 I read and reread most of those books… minus a few I never found and a few I never could really get into it. But I loved Meg SO much, more than any other character in any book I had read up til that point. That’s one reason why they were my favourites, I guess.
That was sort of a tangent, I just meant to saw I was rereading A Wrinkle in time and be done with it. But while I’m talking about it… my mom bought A Wrinkle in Time for me when I was about 8, I guess. I never got into it and it ended up being put in a garbage bag and sent to the attic along with all the other books I didn’t read anymore/never read (something I still do – I must have 20 garbage bags in the attic full of books I just don’t have room for). About the same time, she also got A Swiftly Tilting Planet for me at the library. I was all excited about that one because of the unicorn on the cover, but once again never could get into it. It wasn’t until a couple years later when I was desperate for something read and going back through all those garbage bags that I found A Wrinkle in Time again and read it and got into it that time. Then they went into constant rotation.
Anywho. Just random ramblings. Sorry for any mistakes in that, this keyboard is wacko.
Did anyone notice I changed the title here? I was sick of the In the Year 2525 quote.